01 Jan 2000
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Torrent Hyperspin Project

Posted in HomeBy adminOn 12/01/18
Torrent Hyperspin ProjectTorrent Hyperspin Project

Overview ____________________________________ HyperSpin and EmuMovies Connect an arcade machine to a PC and use HyperSpin as your menu system to navigate through your game collection from one convenient interface. You can organize your games, launch your favorite emulators, PC games and other software and have fun while doing it! Hyperspin is probably the best frontend out there. It supports a lot of eyecandy for your favourite gamesystems.

Every console has it's own menu and every games representation in this menu consists of three things: A cover for the game, a logo of the game (wheel) and a video of the gameplay. Soma consoles have aditional material like CD scans, carts and so on. On hyperspin-fe.com a lot of content is freely avalible, and work in progres material is avalible on the Hyperspin FTP. Emumovies.com offers all finished videos freely in SQ and in HQ on their FTP + a lot of work in progress content.

Visit us and download hyperspin project absolutely for free. Free downloads. Direct download via HTTP available.

Combining these two sources is the way to get the best possible frontend. This Project A lot of work goes into getting a console completely done. There is a lot of checking on game namings, matching, making sure nothing is missing and adding extra games that might be missing. When this project began many consoles had missing covers, missing videos, missing wheelart and so on. And many consoles had not even been incorporated into Hyperspin. I wanted everything in my setup, and no games missing (from what can currently be emulated) or holes.

The point of this project was to collect everything avalible, match everything and create content that was missing. This has resulted in lots of work for hunting down extra games, recording a lot of gameplay videos, collecting covers and so on. Not to mention creating themes for the main menu. About nine months later everything is in place and I'd go as far as to consider it the most complete setup out there. The releases This project is being released in several torrents. Btu Hr To Watts Converter Calculator.

One torrent containing the frontend with all material for it (videos, covers, themes, game databases). And aditional torrents containing all games perfectly matched for the frontend. You will have to download the whole frontend wil all material. But you can easily disable some systems you might not want by editing the 'Main menu' xml database (containing info on what consoles to show in the main menu) and skip downloading games for those systems. Not ripping Hyperspin nor EmuMovies off I have talked to the people in charge over at both hyperspin-fe.com and emumovies.com. They don't mind this torrent, and are very cool about it. I cut a deal with them both.

In order to get Hyperspin to work you will need to regiser over at hyperspin-fe.com and download the hyperspin executable. This is a good thing, cause you will probably need to use the forums anyway if you'll have any Hyperspin specific questions when setting it up on your machine. The hyperspin forums are very active and full of helpfull people.

As for emumovies.com, the videos in this torrent are in SQ quality. HQ videos perfectly matched for this torrent can be found on the emumovies FTP.

For a small donation you'll get access to the FTP and can simply download all the videos as are and copy over the ones in this project, they will match perfectly. Win-Win I'm hoping this project will benefit everyone. Contes De La Rue Broca Pdf Converter.

Hyperspin and EmuMovies content is contantly being improved and new stuff is added. By making a project like this avalible for download you will literally save months of hard work.

Some of that time could be used to improve content, add new consoles and whatnot. I hope this will to some extent be the effect of the torrent; that people can improve and add new content instead of wasting time collecting what has already been done.

Morning all, First time ever attempting to using Hyperspin, in all fairness only discovered it a week ago. So I found a 95gb download for what I believe was an out the box Hyperspin setup, however upon downloading it appears there are 136 zip folders that all except one appear to contain the same info, am I missing something. Additionally do I need to to download the emulators seperately as I can't seem to find them in the folders? And finally a TXT file advised me to register here to download the.exe file, where would I find that?

Many thanks, BranMan. When i first found out about hyperspin i ran across that torrent as well and tried it out.

This was in like september of 2013, and even back then it was chock full of weird named stuff, and tons of crappy as hell, old artwork and databases. I messed with it for like a week, and then finally just decided to start fresh and get a platinum membership and have never looked back. The quality in there just isn't worth it.

Just chip away at it by getting a membership and working through it one system at a time. Before you know it, you'll have several systems done and looking great! If you have your heart set on using HyperSpin as your front end spend the money and get the premium membership. You can then download gigapig's build from the platinum section which will have the whole setup and emulators installed. From there just add your games and use HyperSync or HyperBase (which is included with your platinum membership) to get the artwork and themes.

BTW - An EmuMovies subscription is needed if you want to automate the video downloads. They can also be found elsewhere on the internet.