01 Jan 2000
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Omega Trust Prosperity Programs

Posted in HomeBy adminOn 24/11/17

SUSAN SAYS “Folks, the last few years have been very trying for all of us. James/Poof leaving us when he did was crippling for me and for the work that we were doing together. Zap or Jerzy as you have come to know him— an that is who he is— stepped up and was a true gift to me. I have and always will have a great appreciation for his generous heart and his tenderness to the ills of the world that he knows need not be. And for that reason I continued to support him in his work with the humanitarian efforts.

Omega Trust Prosperity ProgramsOmega Trust Prosperity Programs

I have remained and I always will be faithful to the Omega program and the others that we knew about. I have given over two decade to this work, maybe more if I were to count it all up— and many of my sidekicks have left this plane for the Other Side. It has not been easy and you have supported me when I could not even support myself. I still have challenges, plenty of them but I'm told I will make it through all of this to better days and so will you.

The PP's are waiting in the wings for the currency exchanges to commence at full speed. With the information available to me I feel very optimistic that January will be a month we will never forget. With Much Love and Gratitude, Susan. Omega Trust From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article does not any. Unsourced material may be challenged and.

(November 2009) () Omega Trust was a investment scheme in Illinois. Hood is a former electrician from. In 1994 Hood formed Omega Trust and Trading Limited and began to lecture to church groups. He said that the Lord had given him a mission. He claimed that he was one of the international traders who could make secret multimillion-dollar deals to benefit humanitarian programs through and 'prime bank notes' in foreign banks.

Prosperity Programs and NESARA. Germain established a monetary trust fund in. The idea is to flood the world with so much prosperity that the pursuit of.

Hood asked for an investment of $100 and promised a payout of $5,100 within 275 days. He wanted the money delivered wrapped in aluminum foil and via because U.S.

Federal government was trying to block the trades through the United States Postal Service. Therefore the scheme should remain secret. Thousands of people from USA and overseas sent money. The program stopped accepting new investors in 1995. By that time, Hood had received more than $10 million. He began to present number of excuses as to why investors had not been paid, blaming administrative costs, problems with foreign banks and international financial conflicts. When some people still wanted to join, Hood and accomplices claimed that they could sell share units of people who had wanted to leave the program.

The estimated total amount of money was $20 million. Motionbuilder 2014 Crack Download. In addition, Hood began new investment schemes named Alpha and Destiny and obtained more money from those who had invested to Omega.

With the money Hood and his associates bought land and businesses in Mattoon, gave no-interest loans and made trips to Europe. Some of the money also went to finance businesses of other Hood associates like construction contractor Chris Engel.

Engel later cooperated with the police and let them tape a phone conversation with Hood. Hood lawyer Steve Ryan was also later removed from the case when he was as a and for possible collusion.

Clyde Hood and his 18 associates were indicted in 2000. Some of them pleaded guilty or were convicted of multiple counts of,, and filing a false tax return (see ). On April 10, 2001, Hood pleaded guilty to mail or wire fraud conspiracy, money laundering conspiracy, and filing a false tax return. On January 24, 2002 Hood was sentenced to prison for 14 years and was fined $5,000. Five of his associates were convicted of active participation of the scheme and were ordered to make restitution. Thirteen associates were convicted of money laundering.

Three hundred fifty-five victims received restitution from forfeited Omega Trust funds to the total of $1,697,310.00. The Omega Trust still lives on in the Internet as a supposed global poverty relief program (see ). Hood is imprisoned at the 'Federal Medical Center Devens,' north of Worcester, Massachusetts, and was scheduled for release in November 2012. Then we have this one: October 9, 2012. Omega Prosperity Packages URGENT!!!! Posted By C K Rich C K Rich: I PULLED THIS OFF A PRIVATE ROOM. AS YOU CAN SEE, THIS RELATES TO ALL THAT WE HAVE BEEN SAYING ABOUT THE PROSPERITY PACKAGES, OMEGA FUNDS, ST GERMAIN’S WORLD TRUST, ETC., PLEASE ACT IMMEDIATELY AS THE CLOSE-OFF TIME IS CLOSE AT HAND!!

YES, SOME OF THIS INFORMATION IS OLD, BUT THE ENACTMENT OF IT AND OTHER PARTS ARE NOW! C K Rich: Hope that this helps some people better understand what these funds are all about This is for real Dear Friends, Great news about Omega Prosperity Program I have been asked to provide as many names as possible by Monday or Tuesday at the latest. This is for distribution for the OMEGA Trust.the largest section of the St. Germain Trust Apparently it is to start distributing as soon as next week. The amount per person is $10,000 My contact has to take the list of names to the bank and the bank will contact people on the list directly. If you know more people that can use money please send them this email and let them fill in the form: Many thanks in advance, Marjan MORE HERE: Anyone here remember the Omega Prosperity Program? If you do please feel free to pm me or comment.

Or maybe here: Saturday, July 23, 2011 - The Rumor Mill News Reading Room About the 'Prosperity Programs'. Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail] Date: Saturday, 23-Jul-2011 00:20:29 In Response To: Reader question: What are Global Settlements/Prosperity Programs? (MrFusion) Hi, Mr.F and Reader john - After all this time, I'm still fuzzy on what's being referred to when folks speak of 'Global Settlements'.

But I know a thing or two about the 'Prosperity Programs', so let's go there.:) One or two paragraphs won't really do it - but I'll try not to write like the other sites you've been reading.:) What Poof and Casper are talking about is what have come to be referred to collectively as the 'prosperity programs'. The term is not entirely accurate because not all those programs are the same in their operation or even in their expected outcome. 'Farm Claims' is based on a judicial judgement. 'Freedom' may have involved a 'roll trade'.

But in general, all programs were closed to new members in 1999 or in one case in 2002. In each case that I'm aware of, folks were invited to participate by word-of-mouth. In at least some instances, participation was by 'loaning' a certain amount of money per 'unit'. In at least one instance, a $100 loan per unit was required, with a promise that, at some time, at least $5100 per unit would be returned.

In some instances, the program in question was represented as involving a 'roll trade' program, something not usually open to the general public (especially in America) and requiring a substantial sum (millions) in order to engage in such an activity. Thus, it would make sense for lots and lots of small amounts to be ganged together in order to enter a 'roll trade'. To the best of my knowledge to date, only the Freedom program really did involve a 'trade'. Certain others, including I believe Alpha, Omega, and Destiny, and possibly others, were all the 'front face' for a larger program which has no name of its own, referred to by Poof on occasion as 'the mother', which involves disbursal of wealth from a very old trust - possibly three trusts, now. 'Freedom' apparently was devised by Bush, Sr., and Kissinger, and somehow they had arranged things so that no other program could pay out before Freedom paid out. Thus whoever controlled Freedom controlled them all ('one ring to bind them.' This is why Casper has referred to 'freedom packs'.

However, I'm advised those two are no longer in control of Freedom, and Freedom will pay out at the same time as all the others (70 or 80 programs total, I think). Tommy Buckley's Green Light program is often reasonably thought of as a 'prosperity program', but it's of a different sort. It's expected it will pay a few weeks after the primary programs do.

Clyde Hood, Mike Kodosky, and a few others, who headed up enrollment of participants into the program called Omega, were rather famously brought to trial in Illinois in 2001, mostly during the summer, and either entered guilty pleas or were found guilty on charges of fraud. The claim was that they had collected money on promise of particular returns, and that the returns were never coming.

(We reported on that at the time - search the RMN Archive with 'All' keywords 'hobie omega trust trading' and you should find most of the posts.) 'Whistleblower' (David Crayford) of the OITC, whose posts have appeared here on occasion, and also David Sale, also of the OITC, have said they do not expect any of the programs will ever pay out. Their reasoning is that if the programs were based on misallocated funds actually part of the Collateral Accounts, any proceeds would go right back into the Collateral Accounts - and/or, if there's no legal and binding documentation for the programs (which, apparently, there isn't), then they must be scams and the money's long gone. Economic journalist Christopher Story not infrequently stated that Omega particularly was a 'CIA Ponzi scheme', though he never offered visible substantiation for that assertion. AND THEN - THERE'S NESARA.:) We have no sources other than Dove (who's no longer with us) who were ever able to tell us that NESARA was a real thing. HOWEVER - it does appear many facets of NESARA are part of what may be about to occur.

Tied-in with the resolution of these programs is the expectation of a new banking system, new 'honest' money, the demise of the Federal Reserve and the dethroning of those back of it (which also means the end of IRS as we have known it), and a return to Constitutionality in America. All of this is consistent with Rayelan's information regarding 'the Factions' and a long-term plan to take down the Federal Reserve. --hobie Posted by John MacHaffie.

Updated May 5, 2015 Here is a current list of people/groups who are claiming to have funds to distribute to people and organizations who have business plans that focus on humanitarian projects. Business plans can be for-profit or non-profit organizations. If you feel you have the ideas & aspiration to help humanity, you may want to check out these organizations. I do not have any affiliation with these groups. I am just posting them here for your awareness just in case you are interested. ~ enerchi ********************************************************************* Project submissions may be sent to.

******************************************************** Mark Hoza and Wiley Morgan have teamed up to create - Friends Transmuting is a collaboration of efforts working with men, women and groups from around the world to support a wide range of humanitarian projects and businesses with a mind to fashion a global community that we prefer. We have set up the website in an effort to assist those wanting to submit projects for funding via our sources, as well as to inform of other options available to you from other funding sources that we are aware of.

We will have a pre-submissions area to work with those who are not sure as to whether or not they will qualify and should they pursue their funding. Advisory will be available to help with formulating their plan/s for submission. This website ( ) outlines the options, processes, terms and conditions to submit your humanitarian project for potential funding via us, and gives you a procedure to follow so that your project has an improved chance of being funded Who is FT working with? Friends Transmuting is working with a range of funding sources from private individuals and private groups to Dragon Family Elders and Trustees. In some cases we may suggest that you work with another funding source than those we have available to us. As there are many variables; we will make recommendations on a case by case basis Which types of projects? Our funding sources are primarily looking to fund projects that have a humanitarian element, but for profit projects and businesses may also be considered Projects focused on money making without consideration for humans and the environment are not likely to attract funding from our sources.

What is a 'humanitarian project'? 'Humanitarian Project' is a term used for a wide range of project types.

Some desirable elements of humanitarian projects are: jobs creation, improved quality of life, cleaning or protection of the Natural Environment, clean energy solutions, nourishing and sustainable housing solutions, clean transportation solutions, and basically anything that makes life better for humans and the environment Submission could not be simpler- Step 1: The first step is to submit your project on this site by filling out the submission form. You will need: Key project details and Executive Summary highlighting the humanitarian benefits of your project.

CIS (Client Information Sheet) details and copies of passports for the key people in the project. A business plan outlining the project, including how much funding the project requires. Step 2: Once you have submitted your project we will review it and contact you to suggest changes, recommend which funding option/s might be most appropriate for your project and then decide with you which option to take. We are hoping to have some funding for a support team to help people through this stage, but in the beginning we will do our best with what people and time we can commit to assisting you. Step 3: Once we agree that your project submission is ready to forward to one of our funding sources we will do what is required of that source in order to propose your project to them for funding.

We will work directly with you, to our best ability and within reason, to help you come to an outcome that you prefer. We look forward to helping you and humanity. Mark Hoza, Wiley Morgan and Team P.S. Website developments still under construction, everything will be up shortly. Standard CIS (Customer Information Sheet) need to know parties involved to keep criminal activity out [wileymorgan] Is this the same thing that Zap is doing? If not, how does it differ.

[wileymorgan] sandytob funding sources are from private individuals and private groups to Dragon Family Elders and Trustees. [sandytob] wileymorgan Mark Hoza?

Is he the person in Australia? [wileymorgan] sandytob yes, he is my AUS counterpart [sandytob] wileymorgan wow, you have some great aspirations.

Wish you a lot of luck. [wileymorgan] sandytob I have been asked about doing this for some time and I have always declined, guess you could say they wore me down and talked me into it [sandytob] wileymorgan lol, well it's certainly going to be fulfilling. [wileymorgan] sandytob their is a team behind it all not just me and Mark Hoza ********************************************************** Email Dave: The Ambassador is resuming project presentations. Funds are being moved and all things are looking good for project funding. I would encourage you to consider this opportunity. All questions and administration of the projects are done by the True Vision of Peace team. You may go to their website, for more information.

************************************************************************************ ************************************************************************************ ************************************************************************************ ************************************************************************************ ************************************************************************************ ************************************************************************************. Angel Gifting Organization Welcome to Home of Angels—Building the Bridge to Prosperity in the Golden Age Our world is about to change in more ways that one. With the global reset of the financial system, the entrance of asset backed currencies for all countries, the delivery of prosperity program packages, the payout of farmers claims, and the currency revaluation of several countries, our world is moving into a new age of prosperity for ALL. But how to do we get there when there are so many people in our world today who are in desperate need? As it may take a short while for the transfer of “new wealth” to make its way to those most desperately in need, Home of Angels was founded to meet the short- term needs of those people.

By funneling blessings from Angels who receive from the property packages and currency revaluations to those in need—through individual grants—Home of Angels aims to ensure the money flows quickly to where it is needed. If you are an individual that would like to help in this endeavor by donating a small portion of your blessings from prosperity packages or currency revaluations, we welcome you to join our team of Angels. You can truly make a big difference with your new found blessings. Hp Cciss Driver.

If you or your family is in need of assistance, please. Please be aware that our Angels are depending on the deliveries of prosperity packages and currency revaluations to enable them to help others, so we all anxiously await the arrival of those events.

In the meantime, High Vibration Angels are available who donate some of their time in prayer for you and/or family members who are facing a serious financial or health issue. If you have the ability to help those requesting assistance NOW, please contact us as we have many who have already expressed an urgent need NOW. Every little bit helps. To learn more about this gifting program,. Thank you for visiting Home of Angels.

************************************************************************************ ************************************************************************************ Prosperity Funds Gifting: Program #3. ************************************************************************************ ************************************************************************************ **Updated (November 2013) - These links have been terminated. I will update once I receive new information into the Germaine Grant Application. GERMAINE GRANT APPLICATION - HOT, HOT, HOT THIS IS HOT ---- GENUINE AND COMING OUT OF NESARA --- APPLY NOW!

John MacHaffie doing this as free service to mankind (This is the real deal and not from me but from Nesara Program folks -) I KNOW OF 3 PEOPLE THAT RECEIVED CALLS. STATING THE APPLICATION HAS BEEN APPROVED FOR THE ST.





Thank you for your Grant Application. Our application procedures have changed, to expedite processing. Please go to the following links to submit your application- USA: INTERNATIONAL: Thank you for your cooperation, and apologies for any inconvenience.