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Crush It By Gary Vaynerchuk Pdf Writer

Posted in HomeBy adminOn 23/01/18
Crush It By Gary Vaynerchuk Pdf Writer

To have the audacity to ask. You have to earn the right to ask people for a sale. In fact, you have to earn the right to ask people for anything. That's just life. You can't have the expectation that they will convert. I've done 185 episodes of a show answering questions people ask me on Twitter. I write articles. Do you have a hobby you wish you could indulge in all day? An obsession that keeps you up at night? Now is the perfect time to take that passion and make a living doing what you love. Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion, Gary Vaynerchuk shows you how to use the power of the.

Shares 118 Have you heard of? He was the famous mythologist—author of and many other books—who told us all to “follow your bliss” in his Power of Myth PBS specials with Bill Moyers in the late 1980s. “That’s all well and good,” you may have thought at the time. “But I have to make a living. How do I make money by following my bliss?” If you’ve been asking that question for the past 20 years, you’ll be happy to know that someone has finally answered it. Gary Vaynerchuk has written a book to teach us how to make money by following our bliss. Many of you may know Vaynerchuk as the host of the video blog WineLibraryTV.com.

Now he has written a book titled. Here’s a recent episode from Gary’s WineLibrary TV.

“Crush It!” refers to Vaynerchuk’s passion: wine. His family had a liquor store and by the age of 26, he had taken the store from $2 million in revenue in 1994 to $20 million in 2001. Here’s how he did it, building his personal brand along the way: • He started in 1997 by creating WineLibrary.com and selling wine online. • The rise and popularity of YouTube convinced him to start a video blog called WineLibraryTV.com in 2006.

• He started talking about business in 2007. How to start one, what to sell, and how to sell it. He had come to the following conclusion based on his personal experience: the only way to make money and be successful is to monetize your passion. Or in Joseph Campbell’s words, to make money by following your bliss. Why is monetizing your passion the only way to make money? Because starting a successful business is long, hard work.

That’s exactly why you must monetize your passion and nothing else. “If you’re living your passion, you’re going to want to be consumed by your work. The passion and love for what you do will enable you to work the hours necessary to succeed,” Vaynerchuk said.

And why is now the time to do it? Because social media, new advertising venues, and the Internet have made it possible for you to find other people who share your passion and might even pay you for your knowledge.

If you can establish yourself as an expert, people who need your expertise will seek you out. Let’s talk about those new advertising venues. “The difference between promoting your brand via traditional marketing and advertising media and doing it via social networking platforms is like the difference between sending a message by Pony Express and chatting on Instant Messenger,” says Vaynerchuk. Here’s how he came to that conclusion. He spent $7,500 to advertise on a billboard, send a direct mailing, and produce a radio spot.

He got 170 orders from the billboard, 300 from the direct mailing, and 240 from the radio ad. Then he tweeted the ad for free and got 1,700 orders in 48 hours.

That’s more than all three traditional ads put together! “These social networking sites have changed the game by giving entrepreneurs a reason to ditch the sinking traditional media and advertising platforms in favor of a communication method that opens them up to markets that would have been inaccessible until just a few short years ago.” Crush It! Will give you the techniques you need to establish your expertise using social media. Vaynerchuk calls it “building your personal brand.” Here are the techniques in a nutshell: • Identify your passion. • Learn as much about it as you can. • Start blogging about it. • Find other blogs about it and leave comments.

• Find Facebook pages about your passion, become a friend/fan and contribute. • Search Twitter to find other passionate people and talk to them. • Repeat steps 2 through 6 over and over and over. As your knowledge and your passionate community increase, you can reach out to advertisers. And don’t be surprised if some business development people start calling you. Vaynerchuk calls them “biz dev” people. Suppose you have no product or service to sell?

You can still get paid for your expertise. You can write one or more ebooks, speak at conferences, and even sell ad space on your blog. But Vaynerchuk doesn’t care for Google AdSense. It “makes your page look cheap and cluttered [and] it doesn’t pay that well.” Instead, he recommends banner ads.

Here’s how to find advertisers: browse through magazines about your passion and look at the ads. Who’s advertising? Contact those companies and say, “how about advertising on my blog for a lot less money?” Of course, you have to have a really big community to get their advertising dollars. “There is lots of money to be made, albeit in dribs and drabs to start, by siphoning off money from already-existing sources,” Vaynerchuk says. “Siphoning off money from already-existing sources” means dumping traditional advertising venues and marketing techniques that broadcast the same ad to millions of people. Most of whom couldn’t care less about the product being advertised.

Instead, you will offer advertisers a highly targeted market: all of the people who share your passion. And if the money comes “in dribs and drabs” in the beginning, don’t worry. As you build your expertise and your passionate community, more people will seek you out. Including advertisers. “If you live your passion and work the social networking tools to the max, opportunities to monetize will present themselves,” Vaynerchuk says. “The passion and love for what you do will enable you to work the hours necessary to succeed.” So if you’re unhappy in your job, pick up a copy of Crush It!

Vaynerchuk wrote it “because it drives me crazy to know that there are still people out there who haven’t figured out that they don’t have to settle.” And he means “settle” for a job doing anything besides what you really love to do. But is it really possible to make money following your bliss using Vaynerchuk’s techniques? Why not buy Crush It! Or find it in a library and write down all 21 steps in Appendix A. Then follow his techniques for one year.

Do they work? Tell us about your success or failure, and we’ll summarize the results on Social Media Examiner. Social Media Examiner gives this book 3.5 stars.

My is about to come out in just over a week. In the anticipation for it’s launch, I’ve been thinking back on my past three books; I still stand by everything I’ve said in every single one. But in my third book,, there is one big clarification I should have made. For those who may not be familiar, my entire business philosophy pretty much revolves around the jab jab jab right hook method. Download Ubersocial For Android Gratis. Jabs are the value you provide your customers with: the content you put out, the good things you do to convey your appreciation. And the right hook is the ask: it’s when you go in for the sale, ask for a subscribe, ask for a donation. You gotta throw some jabs before you throw your right hook.

My favorite analogy to illustrate the difference between jabs and right hooks are cartoons from the 1980s. When the Transformers cartoon was on Saturday mornings, you would tune in and watch for free. You’d do the same with The Carebears.

You’d watch the cartoons and not have to pay a dime. But when the movie or new action figure or toy came out, you went and paid for that. Cartoons were the jabs that pulled you in so you would then pay for the movie or toy.

Everyone seems to get what I mean when I explain what jabs and right hooks are. But people are fundamentally misunderstanding one major part of that formula. Jcp Rewards Code Serial Number. And I want to clear that up now.

What People Don’t Understand About Right Hooks Just because you jab and jab and jab, doesn’t mean you automatically get to land the right hook. Putting out great content, sending baskets of fruit, whatever your jab is, it doesn’t entitle you to land the right hook.

It just allows you to have the audacity to ask. You have to earn the right to ask people for a sale. In fact, you have to earn the right to ask people for anything. That’s just life. You can’t have the expectation that they will convert.

I’ve done 185 episodes of a show answering questions people ask me on Twitter. I write articles. I answer questions on Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook.

I do this all for free. Not because I have to land the hook. It’s my hope. It’s my aspiration. But it’s not why.

I do it because it gives me a chance to even throw the right hook at all. You have to be okay with not landing the right hook.

The key to being a strong entrepreneur or executive is to understand that patience is extremely important. Sometimes when people complain to me that their right hook didn’t land, I find out that they were only jabbing for three months. In the entire span of your career, whether it’s been forty years or it’s going to be forty years, three months is nothing. If you structure your business right at the highest level, landing one right hook in six to twelve month period should be enough.

It should bring you enough ROI and value to justify the rest of the year of jabs. Additionally, right hooks change all the time. If tomorrow, Instagram allows linking out in native posts, you have to shift to use that as a right hook.

You have to adapt. Twitter was huge for me in 2010 and 2011, but now I am siphoning my audience to Snapchat more. I’ve had to change and shift multiple times to match what is happening in the marketplace. You might have a big set up planned for a right hook, but be flexible. Things change fast. Understanding Why Your Right Hook Didn’t Land I’ve thrown a ton of right hooks that didn’t land. And they were preceded by (what I thought were) some great jabs.

I get people jobs. I make connections. Set up meetings. But the right hook doesn’t always land. I don’t dare have the assumption that my jabs will always work out into right hooks. Neither should you. To land the right hook, you need to understand your audience really well.

And that’s what jabs are for; for getting the information you need to understand your consumer. When a right hook doesn’t go well, look back on the jabs. Do they line up with the right hook? Does the right hook seem to come out of nowhere?

Is the tone the same? Were you throwing the right kind of jabs to get information that ladders up to the right hook? Taylor Swift Throws Great Jabs Taylor Swift is excellent at throwing jabs, so when it comes time for her right hook, fans are more than happy to oblige. Just Google search “Taylor Swift nice gesture” and the results come pouring in:... These are all things she could do quite easily, but they mean the world to the people on the receiving end. And even though they apply to only a few people at a time, her fan base sees them and appreciates what she is doing for others in their community.

Taylor just left this comment on Instagram for a fan and I’m bawling in tears so hard right now. — Taylor Swift Updates (@SimplySFans) So, when her most recent album came out and she asked for people to actually buy it, no streaming services, guess what people did?

They bought it. Her album “1989” (and yeah, ). Top 3 Tips for Throwing a Right Hook I’ve thrown a lot of right hooks in my day. In fact, I’m.

These are my top three tips for throwing the right hook when you’re ready. • Be firm and don’t hesitate: • The fact of the matter is you have to go right in the for the kill. You don’t bashfully tread around the question. You don’t try to rephrase it or be cute about it. It’s all about honesty. Be truthful and upfront about what your goal is.

• Make sure all the mechanics are working: • Before you send out the right hook, whether it’s an ask to subscribe or a big sale on your e-commerce site, double and triple check that every single thing is working. Look at it on mobile. Go through the steps yourself. Have other people on other browsers and other computers try it.

Set up test QA scenarios for people to try and break it so you know every single in and out of your right hook. You want this to go well; it’s your one big shot to ask for something, so you don’t want to blow it. • Create the least amount of friction for your community: • You want to make sure that the journey from start to finish is as easy as possible, because the slightest point of friction could cause someone to back out and leave. For example, I would say of asking people to go to Tidal for his new album had far too much friction. If fans didn’t have Tidal, they had to sign up and download it. That is quite a large ask. Make it easy for consumers to convert.

The big lesson of a right hook is that you want it to feel natural and you want consumers to say “of course!” when they see it. If that is their reaction, you’ve taken all the right steps to get there. If you’ve provided value, given them great content, done everything you can to make the journey as smooth as possible, I can promise you you have that much better of a chance of making the sale and getting that customer.