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Bitter Enchantment Yvonne Whittal Pdf File

Posted in HomeBy adminOn 22/12/17

She never got over her crush on Grant Liz had become a successful author, Grant a famous surgeon, in the years since she had worshipped him and he had called her 'the horror.' Now, his career ruined by an accident, deserted by his fiancee, Liz's handsome former neighbor was returning home. Passion grew as Liz helped Grant recover his zest for life. And when he proposed, even She never got over her crush on Grant Liz had become a successful author, Grant a famous surgeon, in the years since she had worshipped him and he had called her 'the horror.' Now, his career ruined by an accident, deserted by his fiancee, Liz's handsome former neighbor was returning home. Passion grew as Liz helped Grant recover his zest for life.

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Bitter Enchantment Yvonne Whittal Pdf File

And when he proposed, even though he told her she'd never have his love, Liz accepted. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, Here's another one that trots off the beaten path. In this gut wrencher we have a hero who's actually in love with someone else and makes no bones about it. He spends the majority of the book chain smoking and pining for his ex-gf. He even gets hostile, complete with snarling and teeth gnashing, if the heroine, HIS WIFE, suggests anything negative about the OW. Talk about raising your blood pressure.

Personally, I couldn't find any qualities about this H that were so wonderful that Here's another one that trots off the beaten path. In this gut wrencher we have a hero who's actually in love with someone else and makes no bones about it. He spends the majority of the book chain smoking and pining for his ex-gf. He even gets hostile, complete with snarling and teeth gnashing, if the heroine, HIS WIFE, suggests anything negative about the OW. Talk about raising your blood pressure. Personally, I couldn't find any qualities about this H that were so wonderful that it would entice a person to allow him to openly use her as a doorstop.

He was nasty-hostile from the get-go. He was kind of creepy with his reminicing about her when she was a kid, while feeding her a bunch of lip service about being concerned for her reputation, right before he stuck his tongue down her throat and his hand up her skirt. His propsal was pretty much 'So, I will never love you because I'll always love my ex, and if you bring her up I will b*tch slap you, but I want to have sex and have someone clean my house. How bout it?' Of course our h, who actually was kinda cool and could have gotten anybody she wanted, didn't even have to think about it.

I love a good wallbanger but this one needed a higher level of groveling to counter what he did. I say 'higher level' when actually I should say 'at least SOME'. The reunion was way off balance and almost made me as mad as the break up. If you enjoy stories about women who don't know their own worth hooking up with broken users, but who are honest about it!, then this one will rock. Read for a second time on 9th August, 2015 Five wonderfully perfect, amazing stars. I read this about a year ago, but I couldn't remember it so I gave it a 2 star rating. Recently I read reviews about it again, and I couldn't remember a single thing about the book, so I decided to reread it.

Boy, am I glad that I did! The heroine was so perfect, I loved her, I more than loved her! She was feisty, spirited, kickass, funny and had the best comebacks! And despite all that, she was sweet, loving, kin Read for a second time on 9th August, 2015 Five wonderfully perfect, amazing stars. I read this about a year ago, but I couldn't remember it so I gave it a 2 star rating. Recently I read reviews about it again, and I couldn't remember a single thing about the book, so I decided to reread it.

Boy, am I glad that I did! The heroine was so perfect, I loved her, I more than loved her! She was feisty, spirited, kickass, funny and had the best comebacks! And despite all that, she was sweet, loving, kind and forgiving. Basically, all around perfect. There wasn't a single thing that she did throughout the book that I didn't like. I approved of every, every single one of her actions, admired her in fact.

She was so strong and so amazing. In the beginning, we hear that the hero, whom our heroine has been in love with ever since she was a kid, has come back to the small town that h and H grew up in. H is 12 years older than h *shivers with delight* and when h was 16, H moved to the big city with OW, whom he is deeply in love with.

They recently got engaged, about 6 years later, but am accident leaves the hero disabled, with a broken arm, his career as a surgeon ruined. Obviously, OW runs first chance she gets, and H comes back to the small town to lick his wounds. Our feisty heroine is H's neighbour. She goes over to see him, and he looks gaunt, sick, thin and has several premature grey hair (I have such a huge thing for heroes with grey hair!) She is strong, feisty, makes him stop feeling sorry for himself with her kickass comments and try and fight instead of wallowing in self pity. She comes to clean up and cook for him every day, and a few days later, he asks her to marry him.

He is an ogre of a hero, biting and saying mean things, and insulting her, because he is so bitter and cynical. She gives as good as she gets, though, she did not let him walk all over her!

She is one of the most perfect heroines there ever existed on the face of this earth, throughout history ♥ There is a lot of pain, anguish and heart break, especially when the OW comes back, and [ and they separate, and she has a miscarriage, consequently one after the other:( It was so heartbreaking, my eyes were brimming with tears:( She was such a sweet person, and he was such a perfectly amazing asshole who, btw, did the best grovel ever ♥ ] I loved everything about this book. It is definitely recommended if you're a 'glutton for punishment' and love asshole heroes, unrequited love from the heroine's side, a hero who is still in love with OW, an MOC, a May December romance with a large age difference, and loads and loads of pain and anguish. Why oh why did she forgive him so fast. He dumps her out of this life as soon as the hot girl is back and because of that stress she losses their child. He needs to make reparation. She should have had him on his knees just to kick him. I wanted blood for what he did to her.

He was a total ass and I can't get over the fact that she was all I love you but she was too stupid to know that she was his consolation prize or his safe place for when the bitch hurts him? Stupid doormat.

I gave it Why oh why did she forgive him so fast. He dumps her out of this life as soon as the hot girl is back and because of that stress she losses their child. He needs to make reparation. Patent Pilot Program Judges 11. She should have had him on his knees just to kick him. I wanted blood for what he did to her.

He was a total ass and I can't get over the fact that she was all I love you but she was too stupid to know that she was his consolation prize or his safe place for when the bitch hurts him? Stupid doormat. I gave it 3 stars because at least it made me mad! That's something and if you like a heroine being treated like crap then by all means read this book. Once was more then enough for me. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers.

To view it, 4 Stars ~ Liz had known Grant all her life; he was the boy next door that dated her oldest sister. She idolized him and when she turned 16, he was the object of her first crush. But the local beauty had swooped in and taken hold of Grant and off to Johannesburg they went; Grant to his career as a surgeon and Myra to her's as a model.

It's now six years later and Liz learns that Grant's returning to his family farm but he's a broken and bitter man. He's been terribly injured in a car accident tha 4 Stars ~ Liz had known Grant all her life; he was the boy next door that dated her oldest sister. She idolized him and when she turned 16, he was the object of her first crush. But the local beauty had swooped in and taken hold of Grant and off to Johannesburg they went; Grant to his career as a surgeon and Myra to her's as a model. It's now six years later and Liz learns that Grant's returning to his family farm but he's a broken and bitter man. He's been terribly injured in a car accident that's left him using a cane and damaged his valuable operating hand.

Myra doesn't do that damaged injured bit and she's left him. Liz can't stop herself from going to see how Grant is, and once she sees him, she's determined to stick by him and pull him out of his black hole.

As days pass, Grant begins to heal both physically and emotionally, and their attraction blooms. Grant proposes much to Liz's surprise. And while she admits to him that she loves him, he tells her that all he can offer her is respect, companionship and the physical side of love. They marry and as the weeks pass they begin to build a foundation for a strong marriage. Grant's hand has made remarkable progress and on Liz's encouragement he has surgery to hopefully repair it completely.

With the surgery a success, they celebrate with a dinner out, only to have their celebration dampened as Myra is there. In the weeks that follow, Grant resumes his surgery schedule and pulls himself away from Liz. And then one afternoon, he tells her that he's going back to Myra. This is one tremendous heroine! I loved Liz's strength and her jump right in with both feet approach. She didn't hold back her thoughts and spoke honestly from her heart.

Often in these romances where the heroine goes into the marriage knowing the hero doesn't love her, she's a bit of a doormat, but not in this romance. She met her challenges head on. Many readers would have a problem with Grant and see him solely as a selfish man.

But with such a strong heroine who is so sure of her love for him, I couldn't help but trust that she fell in love with a man who could be redeemed. Often in these 80's romances we know the hero's truly tortured and remorseful of his behaviour because he becomes reclusive and drinks himself into oblivion. I think today, we'd view that as totally weak. In this particular 80's romance, Ms. Whittal has Grant punishing himself by hitting the bottle. Some readers will feel he hasn't groveled nearly enough to earn back the heroine's heart.

I think that his behaviour at the beginning of their marriage clearly proved he cared and so I can believe he's seen the light. Now had he slept with that bitch Myra, I'd have burnt the book if Liz had taken him back! There's more than enough angst in this one to keep you riveted and sleepless until you reach the last page. I'll have to see what other books I have in my tbr by Ms. Liz loved Grant since forever.

He has a bitchy other girlfriend of course but when he has an accident and loses his job Myra abandons him. Liz is there for him supporting and loving him so he proposes marriage and she accepts even though she knows he doesn't love her the way she loves him. But when Myra is back in Grant's life, Liz is afraid she will lose him forever. I love angst so I loved this book and I didn't think the H was that bad and I liked his apology and how he even cried for his sin Liz loved Grant since forever. He has a bitchy other girlfriend of course but when he has an accident and loses his job Myra abandons him. Liz is there for him supporting and loving him so he proposes marriage and she accepts even though she knows he doesn't love her the way she loves him.

But when Myra is back in Grant's life, Liz is afraid she will lose him forever. I love angst so I loved this book and I didn't think the H was that bad and I liked his apology and how he even cried for his sins against our flawless heroine and yea he was a bit of an asshole and a jerk but that's how I like my heroes! Liz loved Grant a childish love since she was 16 and he was chasing after her elder sister. Grant however has been in love with a vain and hateful model named Myra, whom he has been with for several years. He has a accident and is injured gravely, a limp, his hand (he is a surgeon), and his model girlfriend drops him flat. The heroine tries to cheer him up and he is remotely attracted to her, but tells her he does not love her.very bluntly.and she stupidly marries him anyway. Pushes hi Liz loved Grant a childish love since she was 16 and he was chasing after her elder sister.

Grant however has been in love with a vain and hateful model named Myra, whom he has been with for several years. He has a accident and is injured gravely, a limp, his hand (he is a surgeon), and his model girlfriend drops him flat. Deejaysystem Audio Mk2 Serial more. The heroine tries to cheer him up and he is remotely attracted to her, but tells her he does not love her.very bluntly.and she stupidly marries him anyway. Pushes him back to good health and even encourages his surgery to repair his hand. You as a reader know that evil woman will be back and she is. After he recovers and is back to work, he sorta treats the wife like a after thought.he moves her into the house that the nasty one decorated (mirrors EVERYWHERE), he is kind enough to let them sleep in the non master suite so she is not sharing the other womans bed. I am actually shocked he cared enough about her feelings until I determined it was his feelings he was protecting not hers.

Myra comes to the house (lets herself in and more or less tells the heroine that she is back for him and she should pack her bags. She is scared but stupidly loves him and goes off to the doctor to discover she is pregnant. She plans to tell him that evening.

Instead he tells her that myra is back and he thinks he wants a divorce. She packs up and leaves. He is a coward and a jack___ and she takes it and walks out.

Stays at a hotel and then moves home with her sister where she goes into a rather nasty miscarriage caused by shock the doctor says. So not only did she lose the man she thinks is a prince but also a child. She forbids anyone to tell that jack___ what has occurred and stays gone.

The hero however is now thinking he might love the heroine and drinking himself into a stupor as he found out what he had done. And this idiotic heroine forgives him.runs to him.gives him absolution for the vile way he treated her their entire marriuage. And guess what the idiot sees the ow again before the end of the book but its okay he is over her.po'ed at both. He deserves a beat down and the evil ow and the heroine a lobotomy as it could not make her any worse to allow the treatment he gave her and the things he alluded to her.

Bp off the charts and you know I love angst but absolutely hated the leads.the book was dated as 1982 but I cannot imagine women that I recall from that age (I was in hs) would ever accept this male lead as a hero in any capacity. Rating: 4 stars. (I have the urge to rate it a 1 star). The heroine is a sad excuse of a woman. She has no pride, and is like a little lap dog that willingly follows her master. She has no backbone whatsoever.

Gosh, I hate heroines like this. If I didn't enjoy the story so much, I would've given this a 1 star because of the annoying heroine and the last two chapters. I was excited when the heroine left was kicked out by the hero. I thought, finally the heroine will grow a backbone from here and Rating: 4 stars.

(I have the urge to rate it a 1 star). The heroine is a sad excuse of a woman.

She has no pride, and is like a little lap dog that willingly follows her master. She has no backbone whatsoever. Gosh, I hate heroines like this. If I didn't enjoy the story so much, I would've given this a 1 star because of the annoying heroine and the last two chapters. I was excited when the heroine left was kicked out by the hero. I thought, finally the heroine will grow a backbone from here and we get a good grovelling from the hero.

Did that happen? If it wasn't for the heroine's sister and brother in law telling the hero to get lost, she probably would've ran to the hero, even after her miscarriage and probably would've begged him to take her back. Did the hero go after her? Instead what we got was our lap dog heroine going after her master. Granted, I enjoyed the book I lot!

But I prefer it when the hero does a good chapter or two of delicious and succulent grovelling, and did the hero grovel for all the wrong he's done the heroine? NO HE DID NOT.I need at least 2 chapters of sweet, sweet grovelling from the hero.

I was left thirsty and dry for a good grovelling session. Well, I guess I can go back to rereading the Ultimate Betrayal and Unwanted Wife. Thanks Aayesha for recommending! Except the heroine and lack of grovelling. Angsty, captivating, wanting to commit murder is how I describe this book. I literally wanted to shake the main female character and say what are you doing with this low-life? Her depression felt real to me; I could feel her pain and her loss and that is why I am giving this book a 4 star.

[He was a miserable bastard. I found no redeeming quality in him; 4/5 of the book he was pinning for his gold digger ex-girlfriend who left him for an older-wealthier man right after he had an ac Angsty, captivating, wanting to commit murder is how I describe this book. I literally wanted to shake the main female character and say what are you doing with this low-life? Her depression felt real to me; I could feel her pain and her loss and that is why I am giving this book a 4 star. [He was a miserable bastard. I found no redeeming quality in him; 4/5 of the book he was pinning for his gold digger ex-girlfriend who left him for an older-wealthier man right after he had an accident. She had him wrapped around her fingers so tight, he could see no fault in her.

All she had to say was 'Darling,' and everything was forgiven. He was so very cruel and the main female character, like most woman throughout the history was so misguided to believe he would change if she loved him and gave him her 100%. Boy, did she learn her lesson when he told her, he wanted his freedom back! This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, Why am I doing this to myself on Christmas Day??

LOL Because my DH got it for me in a HUGE AS& lot of older HPs. God, I LOVE that man!!

Wanna why I had a hard time enjoying this one.it was set in South Africa during Apartheid. I kinda cringed when they mentioned the 'garden boy,' you know? Full of angst and a TSTL her beyond belief at times. I will say this.unless it was the time period or something, I didn't like that the miscarriage was blamed on the heroine being upset because of the he Why am I doing this to myself on Christmas Day?? LOL Because my DH got it for me in a HUGE AS& lot of older HPs. God, I LOVE that man!!

Wanna why I had a hard time enjoying this one.it was set in South Africa during Apartheid. I kinda cringed when they mentioned the 'garden boy,' you know? Full of angst and a TSTL her beyond belief at times. I will say this.unless it was the time period or something, I didn't like that the miscarriage was blamed on the heroine being upset because of the hero and the subsequent guilt they both felt.

Miscarriages, according to my doctor, are rarley a result of emotional stress. Again, could be the time in which it was written. I did so get a kick of the angst in this one! This one had it all: conniving ex; secret baby; former teen crush; virginal tomboy heroine; ridiculously attractive, older, alpha-jerk hero.and more! You just gotta love it!!

Geez, I'm overdose with the drama. But I don't need to be helped.

I'm loving it!! Liz and Grant. I actually read this a while ago, and just skimmed through it again this time to refresh my memory. I enjoyed it better this time.

Really torn between 3 and 4 stars. The story is super angsty and the H is a real selfish sh*t-head, but I loved Liz! Liz was the youngest of her sisters and grew up trailing them and their neighbour boy, Grant. Then when she turned 16, her teenage heart burst with infatuation for him. That is, until Myra showed up and seduced him with a flick of her Liz and Grant. I actually read this a while ago, and just skimmed through it again this time to refresh my memory. I enjoyed it better this time.

Really torn between 3 and 4 stars. The story is super angsty and the H is a real selfish sh*t-head, but I loved Liz! Liz was the youngest of her sisters and grew up trailing them and their neighbour boy, Grant. Then when she turned 16, her teenage heart burst with infatuation for him. That is, until Myra showed up and seduced him with a flick of her carefully coiffed beautiful hair.

Grant was at least a decade older and hadn't even noticed Liz. 6 years later, Grant has been dumped by Myra after it seems his career as a highly successful surgeon was ended by a car crash. Grant is again next door living like an angry hermit. Liz is still a tomboy and still speaks her mind. She manages to overcome his barriers to such a degree that he proposes about 1/3 into the book. They are wed and his hand and leg are almost as good as new. They have moved to his house in the city that was decorated by Myra.

It is the house of mirrors. Myra was apparently so vain that she couldn't move about her house without being able to gaze at herself on every wall. It's a coldly beautiful house. Although Grant seems to enjoy her company and their love life is great, he refuses to talk about Myra. This leaves Liz thinking the worst.

As the reader I wanted to think that it couldn't be that bad, but it was. 2/3 into the story, Myra returns and Liz's fairytale ends. [ As soon as Myra shows up again, Grant tells Liz that he needs space and expects her to move out.

Liz, who had been about to tell him she was pregnant, is devastated. Several days later she has a miscarriage due to the stress. ] Months go by and she waits for the divorce papers to arrive, but they never do.

But she also doesn't hear from Grant either. [ She had forbidden her family from so much as saying his name. Finally a mutual friend to her and Grant shows up pleading for her to help Grant. He has fallen into the bottle and despair. She cannot bear to visit him in the mirrored house of horror, and so has his friend arrange to bring him to his cabin.

They meet and alls well that ends well. One thing that softens the Myra cr*p is that he never did live with her in the horrid house. And her never told Myra that he loved her. Liz is the first to get those words.; ) ] The ending is a very nice grovel, was it enough to make up for his mistreatment of her heart?

There's a nice little epilogue too [ Myra shows up again practically begging him to take her back and he turns her down easily ] When you scratch your head about why she loves Grant, here it is in her own words 'I'll always love that stubborn, selfish, sometimes arrogant man. Heaven only knows why I love him, but he's always been the only man for me.'